Fundación Multiópticas

Transforming the Foundation's social work

Since 2006, the Multiópticas Foundation has been committed to improving the visual health of people and communities in disadvantaged situations, through specialist care and the provision of specialised material, glasses and hearing aids. Its more than 150 volunteers provide help in Spain and abroad.

Customer: Multiópticas Foundation.

Sector: Health : Foundations

Services: Transforming the Foundation’s social work


To transform the Foundation’s social work during the health emergency in March, April and May from an entity with assistance projects to an institution that would facilitate the donation of resources.

To turn the Foundation into the visible face of the Cooperative’s CSR policy.

To transmit responsibility, social commitment and hope.


Create an Economic and Social Fund among its employees to donate money to the Mensajeros de la Paz old people’s homes.

Donations to the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), for research into the vaccine against the coronavirus, to the Spanish Red Cross and the IFEMA Field Hospital.

Research collaborations with the Applied Medical Research Centre (CIMA) of the University of Navarra in the area of blindness prevention, as well as support for the GEICAM Breast Cancer Research Group.

Direct help to 12,000 people in the 120 nursing homes of Mensajeros de la Paz.

Dissemination and impact in the digital community


Strengthening of the Foundation in CSR.

Strengthening of relations with social, medical and hospital care entities.

Raising awareness of the importance of donating through social media campaigns.

Increase in the profile and pride of belonging of Multiópticas employees.