Coordination of candidatures

Foundation created by Emilio Botín in 1964, with the main objective of contributing to the integral development of society. It is the private foundation with the largest resources. International Solidarity Talent Programme of the Botín Foundation

Customer: Fundación Botín

Sector: Foundations

Services:Coordination of candidatures


A new initiative for people who are currently unemployed and who wish to focus their professional activity on the NGO sector.


Coordination of applications received from foundations, associations and social entrepreneurs in Madrid and Cantabria.

Design of the communication strategy, both for the call and for the winners.

Interviews with those responsible for the initiative.

Coordination and management of the awards ceremony.


This was a pioneering initiative aimed at offering an opportunity to unemployed people with good ideas for the NPO market. The media reception was excellent, both for the programme and the interviews with the person in charge of the Botín Foundation.